
20 November 2016


Literally everyone will tell you that other people's opinions don't matter and that you should just be yourself etc, but I've been thinking about that. The only reason someone's opinion should matter to you is because you like that person, and you don't want them to think you're weird or whatever. If it's their opinion on the way you look that matters to you, they're not worth your attention. But if you're telling me you don't want people to think you're nice, and likeable as a person, you're probably lying. If you like someone as a person, you want them to like you back, which would be why you're bothered about your opinion. Which is annoying really, because if they don't like you when you're weird, and you get closer to them, you'll have to spend your whole life faking who you are around them. I don't know, it's just another one of those weird ways our brains decide to work.

12 November 2016

Skill development? idk that sounds too fancy

I've sort of suddenly realised something (again). I'm 12. Well, I knew that, but it never really clicked. I haven't had enough time to be as good at things as the 16 year olds in my social media feeds, so I can't expect myself to be as good as them at something they've practiced a lot more than me. I'm not going to be as good at art as the fine art uni students on my instagram page. I'm not going to be as good at playing an instrument as someone who's been playing for ten times longer than me. I'm not going to be as good at photography as the professional photographers on my PicsArt & Tumblr feeds. But that doesn't matter, because I enjoy making art, playing music, taking photos- and if I carry on doing them out of enjoyment, maybe one day I will be as good as the people I look up to. It's not like I haven't made any progress over the last couple of years. I found a painting the other day which I did about a year ago and remembered being really proud of it, but if I did something that looked like that now, it'd be in the bin. I literally laughed at how bad it was. I always date my art so that I can look back and track my progress, because it never feels like I'm improving. But I look back at something I did six months ago, then look at a realism sketch I did today, and they look like I did them six years apart. So now, if I do something and it's slightly off, I won't get mad, I'll just think of how I'll feel in a year's time when I look at my improvement. If you're already perfect, you can't improve. And getting better at something you enjoy is one of the best feelings.

11 November 2016


I read something recently, and it's completely changed my perspective on life. Firstly, if you have a family you can go home to who are going to care about you, your problems aren't as big as you might think.
Secondly, everything seems pointless now. All I'm doing everyday is school, and all school does is give you a better future. But that future might not even exist. Right now, while I'm sat here writing this, something could kill me. I could be dead in 5 seconds, and then that's it. The majority of my life spent fighting for a future that might not exist. If I had more freedom and things were easy, I'd just go and do more things which are actually going to have an impact on the world. You don't need maths to change someone's life. Right now, while I'm sat here writing this, I could be going the extra mile to help someone. Even if we're not close. I could have a really positive impact on someone's life. My perspective on this type of stuff used to be that I wasn't good enough too help anyone, but now, that seems pretty selfish. Being too absorbed in your own issues and insecurities to even try to help someone, or find out more about them if you're worried about them. Because I guarantee, if you really, really try, no matter what insecurities or anxieties you have, there's always going to be a way you can help someone.
Thirdly, you should never, ever, assume anything about anyone's life. You'll never even know half of someone's story. Even if you've been inseparable your whole life, everyone has secrets, and some of them might be a lot bigger than you think. It doesn't matter how well you think you know someone's life, you should never think you know anything about it, because the only full story you'll ever known is your own. And you probably don't even know the full story for yourself.

9 November 2016

One year of Lucy Isabel

I need to rant, but I'm going to do another post for this because I want to make something positive for today.

So, one year ago today, I made this blog. No one reads it, I'll probably look back on it and cringe, but I don't care. Particularly recently, it's been a massive help for me with getting my feelings out without having to talk to someone about them (something which I find extremely uncomfortable and I always feel very self-absorbed in those situations). I'm not going to make anything extra long, but I wanted something on here to mark it, so here we go. Thankyou :)

8 November 2016

School chats

Everyone says they hate school. Most people probably do, but for the generally loud, basic group, I can't see why they would? They see their friends, they mess around and have fun in lessons, they don't hate anyone who they can't control- they say that lessons are boring, but doesn't all the messing around they do make it fun? I really don't understand.

For me, I do hate school. I'm one of those boring nerds who actually wants to learn stuff, and that's why I go to school. I love seeing my friends, but there's always some sort of unnecessary drama going on where you're expected to pick sides, and if you're like me and don't like picking sides unless you know the full story, you usually end up somewhere in the middle with none of the 'sides' wanting you around. Which is fantastic, obviously. Then there's the actual lessons, which are living hell. Loud noise? Nope. I won't explain as I've already explained this like 10 times before, but I don't go well with any sort of noise. And my class is the type of class where at least 3/4 of the people are disruptive and loud and stupid. Which ends in me sitting with my head in my hands and my eyes closed, trying to control my breathing and stuff while the teacher screams at the class, which does nothing but add tp the noise. No one ever learns anything. The teachers are another thing- I'm not one of those people who hates them. I know a few people who are teachers at other schools and they're really nice, normal people, like all teachers are outside the classroom. And they do get a hard time with their job, to be honest. But some teachers just don't know how to control people. Shouting does nothing. I feel like that needs to be written on the walls of every classroom. All that happens when a teacher shouts is they get themselves a bad reputation among the students, and the student that they shout at loses any respect they had for the teacher and behave even worse. Then there's people like one of my teachers, who just shouldn't really be working in teaching. They share things with us which they just don't need to, never stop talking about things that are completely irrelevant ( I once counted the seconds every time they weren't talking, and the longest period of silence was 6 seconds, and most of the others were 3 or 4), they're quite sexist, they assume that all the people with good grades are cocky and straight out tell them that they don't like them, then give them lower work so that they slow down their progress a bit, assume that all the students with low grades are troublemakers who don't care about work and refuse to acknowledge them, setting them the same work as the people with higher grades, which they struggle with, mock people who get answers wrong- the list goes on.

If school days are really the best days of your life, then I'd rather not participate in 'life', I'll probably go and live with a jungle tribe or invent time travel or something. Anyway, rant over, I'll see you next time :)

Lucy x

7 November 2016


*don't hug me I'm scared 2 plays in the distance*
warning: probably going to get deep and cheesy, sorry

Time is scaring me. I try not to think about it, live in the moment and all that, but how is it almost a year since I started my blog? And it's almost a year since I went to the Peak District, almost a year since my birthday, almost a year since I went to Mexico- it's scaring me. If all of my life goes this fast, I won't have time to make progress, I won't have time to do everything I want to do,  I won't have time to appreciate anything, I won't have time for anything other than worrying about having no time to do anything.

It's as confusing as it sounds. I know that I need to live in the present, and I would never want to live in the past for personal reasons, but I can't seem to stop living in the future. And I don't mean for things like looking forward to Christmas, I mean with every little thing. And it's really annoying, so I'm going to go and google ways to help myself instead of ranting about it on here. See you soon, hopefully in a more positive post :)

Lucy x

5 November 2016


I have a no-big-deal trampolining competition tomorrow, and I'm nervous. Not only for the actual routine- which I can't really do- but also because of the amount of inevitable awkward moments. For a start, I've seen the group registers, and I'm against someone I used to know but haven't spoken to for about 3 years. I would just be hoping that it's someone else with the same name, but their first and second name are both really unusual, so the chances of that happening are pretty slim. Then there's the before and after of the performing: sitting in a crowded, loud hall (hell) with nothing to do for an hour, then lining up in alphabetical order between the 2 warm ups and 2 performances, which means trying not to make yourself seem like a social wreck and attempting to avoid embarrassment while making small talk with whoever you get put next to. Which will be even more awkward this year as I've met 3 of the 5 people I'm competing against, but only once or briefly. Luckily, my friend Daisy, who I train with, has the same times as me, so although I'm in NDP2 U15 and she's in NDP2 U13, we'll arrive and compete at the same.
I thought I'd take this opportunity to point out some of the rules of the trampolining world:
-Points deducted for wearing gym shorts or leggings over your leotard, even if they're designated trampolining shorts.
-Points deducted for wearing socks that aren't plain white (why?)
-Points deducted for doing the wrong amount of jumps at the start of the routine.
-Points deducted for not waiting exactly 3 seconds at the start and end of the routine.

So that's what I've got myself into.
On the upside, I'm going to a fireworks display tonight, so you can expect me to be rambling about that tomorrow. It should be fun, I'll probably be a loner in the corner with my camera, but oh well, there's food. There's also a pretty nice sunset outside my window right now, which is making me very happy.

See you soon :)

Lucy x

20 June 2016

Oreo Cake//Lucy Isabel


So I recently made this cake for a family fun day at my local cricket club, and it sold out very quickly, so I thought I'd share the recipe with you on here.

//For the cake\\
170g unsalted butter (stork works best)
170g golden caster sugar
115g self raising flour
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
3 eggs
55g cocoa powder

//For the icing\\
2 packs of oreos
200g icing sugar
200g butter


Cream together the butter & sugar. The best way to do it is to use a wooden spoon to push it against the side of the bowl, but electric whisks work too. then add in the cocoa powder, bicarbonate of soda and 90g of the flour. Crack in the eggs one at a time, mixing between each one. If the mixture curdles, add in the rest of the flour. If it doesn't curdle, add in the rest of the flour after the eggs. Bake at 190 degrees celsius (170 degrees fan) for about 15 minutes.

Soften the butter by mashing it with a fork. Gradually add the icing sugar, adding a little bit at a time and mixing with a fork each time. Alternatively, you could buy 400g of vanilla buttercream, but I thought I'd say how to make it from scratch for the people who aren't lazy like me.
Spread a relatively thick layer of the plain buttercream onto the bottom cake and place the other cake on top. Then put about a third of the leftover buttercream to one side.
Crush one of the packs of oreos and mix the crumbs in with the other two thirds of buttercream. Spread the mixture evenly across the top of the cake, and take it around the sides after. If you don't have enough, crush some more oreos from the other pack (there will be 4 1/2 that aren't needed for decoration) and use as much buttercream as you need, or make some extra.

Using the rest of the plain buttercream and a star tip piping bag, pipe some teardrop shapes onto the top of the cake (I did 8 around the edge and 3 in the middle). Press half an oreo into each drop.

There are a few things you could do to put a twist on this recipe, like adding a chocolate icing to the sides, or putting crushed oreos in the middle of the two cakes. It was quite experimental to start with, and you could definitely mess around with the recipe and create something different if you wanted to.

Lucy x

1 April 2016

Alton Towers & The Enchanted Village!


First of all, I hope you all had a great Easter, and if you don't celebrate Easter, hope you had a great weekend! On Friday, my parents took me & my sister to stay at the new Alton Towers Enchanted Village. It was amazing, we all really enjoyed it. My sister, who is 7 years old, loved the little play areas dotted around the site. One of the things I liked was that all of the decor had the same theme. The lodges immediately reminded me of a Tinkerbell film or something! The main room had a double bed and a small fridge with water bottles in it and biscuits, coffee & tea on top of it. The second bedroom was very magical-looking, with a fairy tree wallpaper and a patterned floor.
The food in the restaurants was also really good. We ate in the Emperor's Grill and the Crooked Spoon. When you stay in the village, you can still go to the main Alton Towers hotel or the Splash Landings hotel for entertainment or food.

Also, can we just appreciate this photo I took of my sister!

The next day, we decided to go to the theme park. I'm a massive rollercoaster fanatic, I absolutely love them.  I went on the Smiler straight after taking my sister on Spinball Whizzer because it's literally my favourite ride in the entire park. Also, the new Galactica ride opened the day before we went, and I really wanted to try it! If you've ever been on Air, it's the same ride but they've renamed it Galactica and added Virtual Reality goggles. So basically headsets that you wear which make you feel like you're in outer space. Sounds amazing, but turns out it was actually a really bad idea. They tell you how long the line is based on how long it takes to get through the line on the other rollercoasters in the park, but a 30 minute line ended up taking 90 minutes. They were really slow at loading the cars because every individual person had to have their headsets equipped and focused. In the end, the ride wasn't even that good anyway, so I definitely wouldn't recommend that you try it out. That was the only part of the weekend I didn't really enjoy, but the rest was amazing!

In case you're wondering, the younger girl in these pictures is my sister.


4 February 2016

3 Ingredient Nutella Brownies


So at the weekend, I went to a house party and I wanted to take something as a thankyou for the host. I ended up making these delicious nutella brownies, which are ridiculously easy to make and taste amazing. Obviously, since they went down so well, I wanted to share the recipe on here! This recipe makes 12-16 brownies depending on how small you cut them.


280g nutella
2 eggs
65g flour
Cocoa powder (optional- it's more for decoration than taste)

Start off by lightly greasing an 8x8" square baking dish. Put that to one side, and start to combine the ingredients in a mixing bowl. I found that the easiest way to do this is to put all of the nutella, both eggs and half of the flour in to start with. Whisk it together (I used a hand whisk so I'm not sure whether or not an electric whisk would work), then add the other half of the flour. Keep whisking it until you have a smooth, lump-free mixture. Pour it into the pan and flatten the top using a spatula or the back of a spoon. If the top is uneven, part of the brownie will be burnt. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, depending on how gooey you want them to be. Leave to cool, then finish with a dusting of cocoa powder. It's that simple!


12 January 2016

Isla Mujeres


I had a present this Christmas that was completely different to any present I'd ever had before. You may know that I spent Christmas in Cancun, Mexico, and the present was tickets to go on an excursion to a place called Isla Mujeres. We did lots of amazing stuff, including a dolphin swim, zip wire over the sea,  and much more, so I thought I'd write a run down of what happened here on my blog (I always feel awkward talking about this kind of stuff to my friends, is that just me? Yes? Ok haha).

The first thing we did after our early start (ugh) was catch a taxi to a little dock. This was where our catamaran picked us up and took us to the island. The ride was quite bumpy (understatement of the year, my sister ended up having to wear her goggles!), so it was a good job we'd taken travel sickness pills, haha! The staff on the boat were really helpful, spoke good English and it was obvious that they genuinely wanted you to enjoy your trip.

When we got to the island, we were taken straight to a meeting point where we were quickly split up into groups and taken to the dolphin enclosure. The 'enclosure' was a large area of sea fenced off in a square shape. From what we saw and were told, the dolphins were very well looked after. They were regularly let out of the enclosure into the open so that they would stay happy and healthy. Anyway, we got into the water and we were told to hold onto the fence as the sea was quite rough on that particular day. The dolphins we had were called Merlin and Yokonda, don't ask me to tell them apart though! Our instructor (who was lovely by the way, thankyou Yvonne) explained what we were going to do with the dolphins and told us a bit about them. Then it was time to start!

We did something called the 'foot push', which is basically swimming out into the open, rough sea while the instructor tells you where to swim (you completely lose your sense of direction, haha!). Once you're positioned, the dolphins swim over to you at an insanely fast speed (apparently about 30mph) and push you up and out of the water, while moving forward very quickly, using their noses on the bottom of your feet! It.was.amazing.

However, although we did have life jackets and I do love swimming, I never go deeper than my knees in the sea and I was quite scared as I was the first one to do it and had no idea what to expect!

After everyone had done that (with and without a bodyboard), we did some other tricks like kissing, jumping, dancing and stroking, it was so fun! Dolphins are surprisingly soft and slightly squishy (hate that word), not hard like I expected them to be.

When we had finished with the dolphins, we went to an amazing place called Garrafon Marine Reef Park, which was basically a paradise of turquoise sea, white sand and an amazing zipwire (the tall towers you can see in some photos were the parts where you stopped, it went in a triangle). I won't go into detail here because we did pretty much nothing other than messing around! 

I think that's everything I wanted to say, but in short, it was an amazing day and a once in a lifetime experience that I'll never forget (cheesy much). I'm doing a couple more posts about Mexico then I might actually start to post about normal things, the last few months since I started my blog have been very busy!

Lucy x


2 January 2016

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016


It is now 2016 (didn't know that at all did you?), and I'm back from my holiday/ vacation/ whatever, so I thought I'd post about some New Year's related things. Actually, I'm on a plane coming back from my holiday (shoutout to everyone from New Haven, America, we're currently flying over youuuu), I have a lot of exciting posts planned & coming so look out for those! I thought I'd mention that when midnight struck in the UK, I was 39,000 feet in the air, flying at 552mph over South Carolina, which is pretty cool if you ask me (not that I know anything about what's cool and what's not, haha)!


First things first, let's talk about New Year's Resolutions. I prefer to call them goals, resolutions are more like promises and I can't promise anything about a couple of mine (you'll see why)! I only have a few, and they are:

Eat more healthily-I am the worst at this. Five portions of fruit and veg a day? I'm lucky if I get 1 a week! I'm not keen on veg at all, so I'm going to try to incorporate fruit into my diet (sounds posh haha) at breakfast and for snacks. I think I might try fruit infused water for school too, who knows how that'll go!

Grow my blog- I'm aiming for 50 Google + followers by the end of the year. The buttons at the bottom of the post or home page if you wanna help ;)

Improve my trampolining- if you didn't know, I do trampolining! Again, I'm no professional at this, but here's a list of some of the stuff I can do(most of which won't make any sense if you don't know about trampolining)- pullovers, turnovers, tuck-backs, tuck-fronts, pike-fronts, cradle etc. I don't really know how much more I want to be able to do to be honest!


2015 random favourites:

Last year, I changed a lot and I thought I'd share a couple of my favourites from more recently.

Film wise, I love Hit The Road by Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee. It is genuinely so funny! I do feel like you would need to know a bit about them before you watch the film (links at the bottom for everything mentioned in this section). I won't give any spoilers here, but definitely check it out!
Music. Where do I start. Music is my life, I literally don't think I would be alive if it wasn't for music, haha! Here's my top 10 songs of 2015 (again, links below), some were out before last year, but oh well...

#1. Hide Away- Daya. I have no words for how good this is. I'm listening to it on repeat right now!

#2. TRNDSTTR- Black Coast (Lucian Remix). Love it.

#3. Love yourself- Justin Bieber. I mean, it's Justin Bieber. Yes.

#4. Sorry- Justin Bieber

#5. Riptide- Vance Joy

#6. Good For You- Selena Gomez

#7. Lay It All On Me- Rudimental

#8. Stronger- Clean Bandit. Not even that good a song, it's just the story behind it which is hilarious! ( Livvy, James, George or Hazza- remember? Anyone else reading this- never pick up a 1.5 litre bottle of olive oil and pretend it's a microphone while making a music video with your two insane friends- it's all on camera if you want proof that it didn't end well! Bracket chats over :P) 

#9. Wings (acoustic version)-Birdy

#10. Sugar- Maroon 5. Ruby- your French accent is great, but you might offend someone, haha!

I have been loving Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil. Not gonna ramble for no reason, just WATCH THEM. NOW.


Anyway, that's all for today! Like I said, there is a lot of exciting posts coming up, so keep an eye out for those! I hope you all have an amazing 2016 and I'll see you soon!

Lucy xx

P.S- I want to see who reads my blog, so if you're reading this, DM me 3 blue emojis on Instagram! It's not a name and shame thing (I'm not telling anyone), I just want to know haha, link for my Instagram belowwww :).


Hit The Road