
8 November 2016

School chats

Everyone says they hate school. Most people probably do, but for the generally loud, basic group, I can't see why they would? They see their friends, they mess around and have fun in lessons, they don't hate anyone who they can't control- they say that lessons are boring, but doesn't all the messing around they do make it fun? I really don't understand.

For me, I do hate school. I'm one of those boring nerds who actually wants to learn stuff, and that's why I go to school. I love seeing my friends, but there's always some sort of unnecessary drama going on where you're expected to pick sides, and if you're like me and don't like picking sides unless you know the full story, you usually end up somewhere in the middle with none of the 'sides' wanting you around. Which is fantastic, obviously. Then there's the actual lessons, which are living hell. Loud noise? Nope. I won't explain as I've already explained this like 10 times before, but I don't go well with any sort of noise. And my class is the type of class where at least 3/4 of the people are disruptive and loud and stupid. Which ends in me sitting with my head in my hands and my eyes closed, trying to control my breathing and stuff while the teacher screams at the class, which does nothing but add tp the noise. No one ever learns anything. The teachers are another thing- I'm not one of those people who hates them. I know a few people who are teachers at other schools and they're really nice, normal people, like all teachers are outside the classroom. And they do get a hard time with their job, to be honest. But some teachers just don't know how to control people. Shouting does nothing. I feel like that needs to be written on the walls of every classroom. All that happens when a teacher shouts is they get themselves a bad reputation among the students, and the student that they shout at loses any respect they had for the teacher and behave even worse. Then there's people like one of my teachers, who just shouldn't really be working in teaching. They share things with us which they just don't need to, never stop talking about things that are completely irrelevant ( I once counted the seconds every time they weren't talking, and the longest period of silence was 6 seconds, and most of the others were 3 or 4), they're quite sexist, they assume that all the people with good grades are cocky and straight out tell them that they don't like them, then give them lower work so that they slow down their progress a bit, assume that all the students with low grades are troublemakers who don't care about work and refuse to acknowledge them, setting them the same work as the people with higher grades, which they struggle with, mock people who get answers wrong- the list goes on.

If school days are really the best days of your life, then I'd rather not participate in 'life', I'll probably go and live with a jungle tribe or invent time travel or something. Anyway, rant over, I'll see you next time :)

Lucy x

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