
15 January 2017

The YouTuber Stigma


Okay, I now, the regular updates flopped. But honestly, if anyone actually expected me to keep a new year's resolution, I blame it on you.

Anyway, in case you didn't know, I have a YouTube channel which goes along with this blog. Well, that's sort of reversed itself, but I still don't like referring to this blog as an add-on because I've had it for so long. Some of you might remember my first ever blog post (props to you), where I said that I made this blog after a previous YouTube channel went wrong.

We don't talk about that channel.
Or my old blog posts.
(dear god no.)

However, in May last year, I went on hiatus on here and created a new YouTube channel (this one), which hasn't gone quite as badly. Since I've made this one, people have started to actually be interested, which has been an experience.
That's one word for it, anyway.
I don't even have many subscribers, and I've started to get a taste of the stigma surrounding YouTubers. I feel like people judge me differently when they find out that I have a channel. If they were judging me on the actual content of my videos, I'd understand, but that's not it. All I have to say is 'I have a YouTube channel', and I'll get a patronising look of 'that's weird.' I don't usually tell people- in fact, I originally intended on keeping my channel private from people at school, but they somehow found out. There's only a couple of people who actually talk about it, most of which aren't actually my close friends, which is interesting.

I feel like the fact that I have a YouTube channel should be similar to someone else enjoying football, or something like that; a part of my personality rather than my entire existence. Why is it such a big deal? I enjoy making videos- does that change something about me? I'm hardly Pewdiepie, I'm not even that active on my channel, so why is it so important?

Well, that was a bit negative. On the plus side, I re-discovered my love for Vesperteen's music recently, as the music video for What We Could Have Been came out, and Jesse Cale, one of my favourite people, started going back on the road to support them. I definitely recommend you listen to it.

I think that's everything I wanted to say, so I'll (hopefully) see you soon. If you do follow my uploads, I'm currently working on a video which is pretty complex in the technical department, so might not be out for a couple of weeks (if any of my friends are interested in helping out with the filming, that would be greatly appreciated), so I might be a bit inactive for a few weeks.

Lucy x

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