
2 January 2017


Remember when I used to post regularly on here and people actually read it?
That was fun.

It's partly my fault, but partly not. I haven't posted on here in over a month, after a pretty solid couple of weeks of daily posts, but even so, people weren't reading or commenting on those, either.

I think the main reason I've lost my audience on here is because I've started to find myself a bit more. I talked about this briefly in my recent YouTube video, but when I started this blog, not only did I have a lot of time on my hands, plus next to nothing going on in terms of my personal life, I was also quite 'normal'. That's the only word I can think of, it doesn't quite cover it. All my photos were overly saturated, I was always buying makeup and bath bombs, I listened to all the music in the charts, and people liked that.

When I'm talking about this 'audience' I used to have, it wasn't big or anything, but I'd get 50-ish PVs per post, and about five comments. Since I had a break over summer, and changed the style of my posts, my PVs dropped to around 20, and I don't think I've had any comments. People occasionally bring up my blog in conversations (which is great by the way), and for some reason, I find it a lot easier to talk about than my YouTube. Which, when you think about it, doesn't make sense, because I share a lot more of my feelings and experiences on here, and it's more personal than my channel. So if my channel is more light-hearted, why is it harder to talk about than my blog?

Anyway, happy new year! I'm back on here, but how often, I'm not sure. My spare time has gone down a lot recently, and it's going to decrease even more over the next few weeks, with school, so I don't want to promise anything. But I do enjoy posting on here, and I have been doing so for over a year now, so I'm not intending on stopping anytime soon. I just might not post as regularly. For the one person living in Poland, six-ish in America and two in France who reads all my posts, hello! I also have a YouTube channel which I'm more active on if you'd like to look at that. I'm assuming all the Brits are my friends.

So, that was a bit of a ramble. But in short, I'm back on here, and happy new year!

Lucy x

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