
9 November 2015



Ok, stating the obvious, but my name's Lucy and this is my blog :). As you can see, I was very imaginative when it came to choosing a name (five points if you can guess my middle name)! I have previously had a YouTube channel, but I got a bit bored of it tbh, it started to become a chore more than something to enjoy. So, since I love reading blogs, I decided to try it! Bear in mind that I'm definitely a beginner and I have no idea how to do most things yet, don't expect professional quality photos or anything like that! ( I won't be surprised if I publish this and this writing's upside down!)I don't really have a theme to my blog, but I think I will have a theme to my posts (e.g. bright, retro, minimalist etc). Another thing I won't have is a schedule, I'll just blog what I want, when I want. I do have a list of post ideas that I might dip into if I'm completely stuck on what to post though. I thought that now would be a good time to start a blog because I have a very exciting few months ahead of me and I want to share them with someone other than my friends, who are probably fed up of hearing me ramble! That's not meant in a mean way, just to clarify because my sarcasm is awful:P Anyway, I'll have a few posts up soon so we'll see what happens!

See you soon,

Lucy x


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